Accessing benefit payments

Many people with M.E. are unable to work, or can only work for a short time.  As a result, financial limitations are often experienced by many of our members and the wider community.

Our Benefits pages are here to give some guidance about financial support resources available and how you can access them.  We are unable to provide any assurances to our visitors or members that a claim for Government benefits will be awarded, but we may be able to provide some guidance about making a claim and the type of details you should consider including within your claim.

Available Benefits Schemes

UC – Universal Credit
CDLA – Child Disability Living Allowance
PIP – Personal Independence Payment
ESA – Employment Support Allowance
Blue Badge Scheme

The amount of money you can claim for any applicable benefit will vary, dependant upon the severity of your symptoms, how they impact your every day life, the kind of help you have available to you, any any other income you receive at the time of your application. 

You can check your eligibility and an estimated amount of money you might receive by using the Benefits Checker.

To make a claim for any applicable benefit, visit the respective online resources and/or forms using the links below, or click the Benefits Checker link above.

Additional help & guidance

Your local GP may be able to assist you with evidence to support your application for benefits, such as medical records documents, or a letter details your diagnosis. 

The ME Association offers plenty of additional leaflets and online material that will help in the preparation of applying for Benefit help. 

Citizens Advice provide voluntary support services for those needing assistance with benefit claiming, or appealing a benefit decision. Visit them online to locate your nearest advice centre and to book an appointment.

If you attend any of our Self-help Peer Support Groups, you could also ask other members for their experience, advice and guidance about making a claim for Government Benefits.