Your support matters

Every donation we receive is used to help support the many people around Shropshire who have M.E. by providing our free resources and support group sessions.

We use donations to raise awareness of M.E. and its  impacts through various campaigns at public events and by distributing leaflets to the public and local health agencies, GP’s surgeries, and many more.

Give what you can by making a donation online now.

Donate online at our page.

Here is how your generosity can help our members:

  • A gift of £5 will provide group membership for someone less fortunate.
  • A gift of £30 will pay towards the printing of our member’s newsletters.
  • A gift of £60 will enable us to run a peer support group for 2 months.

Please Gift Aid your donation so that we can make your support go further by claiming 25% tax relief.

You must be a UK tax payer to Gift Aid your donation, and understand that if you cease to be a UK tax payer in the financial year of your donation, you could be liable for tax recovery where applicable.

Thank you

We are truly grateful for the valuable support of local businesses and non-profit organisations who have helped Shropshire ME Group.